Paul Prischman, Ass. Producer on Dangerous Days

Im sorry im late with this (Started on a new job this month..)The associate producer of BLADE RUNNER Ultimate Collector’s Edition Paul Prischman and his family needs our support and anyone can help. It’s a long story and some of it can be found below, for the complete story visit Pauls Braintrust. There you’ll find out both on how you can help Paul and his family AND also get a once in a lifetime chance to go on a Blade Runner Studio Tour hosted by Ridley Scott.

In late 2007, Paul was plagued by a series of symptoms which seemed, at first, to be some sort of recurring sinus infection. But no conventional sinus treatment helped, and his symptoms worsened. In February, an MRI revealed that Paul had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball in his brain stem. On March 18th, Paul underwent brain surgery. Although the tumor was successfully removed, the pathology proved to be Grade 4 brain cancer: Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). GBM is an incredibly aggressive form of cancer with a very low survival rate, and Paul, guided by an all-star team of neurologists and oncologists, is undergoing extensive radiation and chemotherapy. The cost of this treatment – prescriptions, hospital visits, various and sundry complications – has taken an enormous financial toll on the Prischmans. And since Paul was the sole financial provider for his family, you will begin to understand the need for your donations. The outpouring of support from countless individuals working in the industry who know Paul has been amazing. Selfless people asking what they can do to help. PAUL’S BRAIN TRUST was formed to focus these efforts and raise financial support for Paul and his family.
